"Real Food", a new healthy movement

Nowdays is too easy to found junk food and poor quality food at the supermarket, it is because of that Carlos Rios, Diatetitian and Nutricinionist, has started a new healthy movement called "RealFooding" wich is focused on the importance to eat non-processed food.

It is known that junk food, richs in simples carbohidrates, lipids (saturated and trans) and poor in micronutrients (like vitamins, and minerals), are in the shopping cart more usually that it is recommend.

A healthy diet must be full with real food, these mean: fruit, vegetables, quality proteins (fresh fish and meat, dried vegetables...) and healthy lipids (avocado, nut, olive oil extra virgine, fatty fish...).

To sump up, here we can see a image that explain wich food it must be included and wich rejected in a healthy diet, bassed on "REAL FOOD":

Balance Diet vs. Healthy Diet

Is it better talk about balance diet or healthy diet? 
Maybe it seems that are equal terms but there are differences between balance diet and healthy diet. In fact, a balance diet could be not a healthy diet.

The following video shows the myths behind de balance diet and why is better talk and reach a healthy diet.

In the video we see Aitor Garcia, better know as Mi Dieta Cojea, Nutritionist and blogger. He talks about how a balance diet is focus in nutrients and not in foods, so the source of nutritional intake can be of poor quality.

Let's go and watch the video! 

Breastfeed babies and young children

From birth to 6 months of age, feed babies exclusively with breast milk (i.e. give them no other food or drink), and feed them "on demand" (i.e. often as they want, day and night)

At 6 months of age, introduce a variety of safe and nutritious foods to complement breastfeeding, and continue to breastfeed until babies are 2 years of age or beyond.

Do not add salt or sugars to foods for babies and young children

Eat a variety of foods

Eat a combination of different foods, including staple foods (e.g. cereals such as wheat, barley, rye, maize or rice, or starchy tubers or roots such as potato, yam, taro or cassava), legumes (e.g. lentils, beans), vegetables, fruit and foods from animals sources (e.g. meat, fish, eggs and milk)

Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit

Eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruit

For snacks, choose raw vegetables and fresh fruit, rather than foods that are high in sugars, fats or salt

Avoid overcooking vegetables and fruit as this can lead to the loss of important vitamins

When using canned or dried vegetables and fruit, choose varieties without added salt and sugars

Eat moderate amounts of fats and oils

Use unsaturated vegetable oils (e.g. olive, soy, sunflower or corn oil) rather than animals fats or oils high in saturated fats (e.g. butter, ghee, lard, coconut and palm oil)

Choose white meat (e.g. poultry) and fish, which are generally low in fats, in preference to red meat

Eat only limited amounts of processed meats because these are high in fat and salt

Where possible, opt for low-fat or reduced'fat versions of milk and dairy products

Avoid processed, baked and fried foods that contain industrially produced trans-fat

Eat less salt and sugars

When cooking and preparing foods, limit the amount of salt and high-sodium condiments (e.g. soy sauce and fish sauce)

Avoid foods (e.g. snacks), that are high in salt and sugars

Limit intake of soft drinks or soda and other drinks that are high in sugars (e.g. fruit juices, cordials and syrups, flavoured milks and yogurt drinks)

Choose fresh fruits instead of sweet snacks such as cookies, cakes and chocolate

Recomendaciones dietéticas en la menopausia

La menopausia es una época de cambios físicos y emocionales en la que una dieta saludable puede ayudar a mejorar tu calidad de vida.A partir de los 40 años las mujeres necesitan un aporte calórico menor. Algunas recomendaciones específicas son:

  • Evitar el exceso de grasas de origen animal (grasas saturadas).Importante el consumo de grasas insaturadas.
  • Aumentar el consumo de pescado, sobre todo pescado azul.
  • Incluir de forma moderada, alimentos ricos en hidratos de carbono.
  • Un mayor aporte de calcio es fundamental en esta etapa para forzar la asimilación a través del intestino y evitar que la pérdida de masa ósea sea más severa.
  • Es imprescindible la vitamina D ya que ayuda al cuerpo a absorber el calcio, la cual se encuentra en productos lácteos, pescado (sardinas, salmón, atún...) o cereales.
  • La soja, rica en isoflavona, es otro alimento que se debe incorporar a la dieta.Actúa sobre el colesterol y puede ayudar a reducir los sofocos y prevenir la osteoporosis.
  • Beber, al menos, de 1,5 a 2 litros de agua al día.

Increasing physical activity

Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. Physical inactivity (lack of physical activity) has been identified as the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality (6% of deaths globally). Moreover, physical inactivity is estimated to be the main cause for approximately 21–25% of breast and colon cancers, 27% of diabetes and approximately 30% of ischaemic heart disease burden.

Regular and adequate levels of physical activity in adults:reduce the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, breast and colon cancer, depression and the risk of falls; improve bone and functional health; and are a key determinant of energy expenditure, and thus fundamental to energy balance and weight control.

If you want to know more about phisical activity, click in the follow photo

Resultado de imagen de foto actividad fisica

Food-based dietary guidelines - Spain

Official name
Eat healthy and move: 12 healthy decisions (Spanish: Come sano y muévete: 12 decisiones saludables).
Healthy nutrition from childhood to adolescence. The diet of your children (Spanish: Nutrición saludable de la infancia a la adolescencia. La alimentación de tus niños y niñas).
Publication year
Spain published the dietary guidelines for children and adolescents in 2005. The guidelines for the general population were launched in 2008.
Process and stakeholders
The guidelines were developed as part of the Strategy for Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Obesity (NAOS Strategy) of the Spanish Agency for Consumer Affairs, Food Safety and Nutrition of the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.
The ‘Eat healthy and move: 12 healthy decisions’ guide was developed in consultation with endocrinologists and universities and the ‘Healthy nutrition from childhood to adolescence’ in collaboration with paediatricians.
Both are endorsed by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.
Target audience
There are two sets of guidelines – one for children and adolescents 3–16 years old, and a second one for the general public.
Food guide
Spain uses a food pyramid with dietary recommendations in line with the traditional Mediterranean diet. The food pyramid is divided into food groups classified under three levels of consumption: daily (wholegrain cereals and products, fruits, vegetables, olive oil and dairy products), weekly (fish, poultry, pulses, nuts, potatoes, eggs, red meat and meat products) and occasionally (sweets, snacks and sweetened beverages). The pyramid also includes recommendations on physical activity.
  • Enjoy a variety of foods. Divide your daily food intake into five or six small meals, for example: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner.
  • Breakfast is an important meal in your diet.
  • Eat plenty of cereals, preferably wholegrain.
  • Try and eat five portions of fruits and vegetables every day.
  • Eat milk and dairy products every day.
  • Eat fish two to four times a week.
  • Eat small amounts of fat and high-fat foods.
  • Use good fats, such as unsaturated fatty acids (olive oil), omega-6 (sunflower oil and soya oil) and omega-3 (nuts and soya oil and fatty fish).
  • Prefer carbohydrates and fibre-rich foods.
  • Limit salt intake to less than 5 g per day.
  • Water is the best drink – drink at least 1.5 litres every day.
  • Watch your weight and stay active. Do physical activity regularly.
Additional dietary guidelines and food guides
The Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality acknowledges other dietary guidelines and food guides developed by national and regional nutrition associations. Prominent amongst these are the ‘Guide to healthy eating’, the food pyramid of the Mediterranean Diet Foundation, and the ‘FINUT Healthy Lifestyles Guide’.

Food-based dietary guidelines - Portugal


Official name
Food wheel guide (Portuguese: A roda dos alimentos).
Publication year
The first Food wheel guide was issued in 1977. A revised version was published in 2003.
Process and stakeholders
The revision of the guide was led by the Faculty of Food Sciences and Nutrition from the University of Porto (FCNAUP) with the support of the Portuguese Consumer’s Institute who were the main editors. The National Council for Food and Nutrition (CNAN) – a Health Ministry institution in charge of the development of Portuguese Food Policy – were advisers in the first phases of the process.
Intended audience
Recommendations from the Food wheel guide are intended for the healthy Portuguese population in general. The recommended number of portions depends on the individual energy requirements. Children from 1-3 years old should be guided by the lower limits and active men and teenage boys by upper limits; the remaining population must be guided by the intermediate values.
Food guide
The food guide is a food wheel divided into segments representing seven food groups: fats and oils; milk and dairy products; meat, fish, seafood, and eggs; pulses; potato, cereal and cereal products; vegetables; fruits. The size of each food group segment reflects the volume the group should contribute to the total daily diet. Water is in centre of the Food wheel to highlight the importance of hydration balance.
  • Eat well, live better!
  • Eat foods from each food group every day to have a complete diet.
  • Eat more from the bigger segments and less from the smaller ones to maintain a correct balance.
  • Eat a variety of foods within each food group; vary them daily, weekly and seasonally.
  • Prefer water to beverages containing added sugar, alcohol and caffeine.
  • Alcoholic beverages are not recommended for children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women.
  • Limit consumption of products with high sugar content to special occasions. Read food labels to identify products with the lowest amounts!
  • Limit consumption of salt to less than 5g a day. Moderate consumption of foods and food products high in salt such as cold meats, canned foods, chips and salty snacks.
  • Do moderate physical activity regularly.

Food-based dietary guidelines - Germany

The German food guide. Reproduced with permission.

Official name
Ten guidelines for wholesome eating and drinking from the German Nutrition Society (German: Vollwertig essen und trinken nach den 10 Regeln der DGE).
Publication year
The German dietary guidelines were first published in 1956 and have been regularly updated since then. The current version was published in 2013.
Process and stakeholders
The German Nutrition Society is responsible for developing dietary guidelines for the country. They are endorsed by the Ministries of Health and Agriculture.
Intended audience
The German guidelines are targeted at the general healthy population.
Food guide
Germany uses the nutrition circle as its food guide. The nutrition circle is divided into six food groups: cereals and potatoes; vegetables; fruits; milk and dairy products; meat, sausages, fish and eggs; and fats and oils. The size of the group segments decreases from the first to the last group, thus illustrating the relative quantities of the individual food groups. A seventh group (water and beverages), represented by a glass of water, is placed in the middle of the nutrition circle.
  • Enjoy a variety of foods.
  • Eat plenty of cereals, preferably wholegrain, and potatoes.
  • Vegetables and fruits – eat ‘five-a-day’.
  • Eat milk and dairy products every day; fish once or twice a week; and meat, sausages and eggs in moderation.
  • Eat small quantities of fat and high-fat foods.
  • Eat/use sugar and salt only occasionally and in moderation.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, at least 1.5 litres every day.
  • Do not overcook your meals.
  • Allow plenty of time for eating and enjoy mealtimes.
  • Watch your weight and stay active.

Food-based dietary guidelines- Argentina

Official name
Dietary guidelines for the Argentinian population.
Year of publication
Argentina launched its food-based dietary guidelines and food guide in 2000. They were revised in 2006; and are presently under a second revision.
Participating organizations
The dietary guidelines were developed in a process led by the Argentinian Association of Dietitians and Nutritionist-Dietitians, with support from the Ministries of Health and Social Development, the academia and scientific societies.
They have been declared by the National Executive Branch to be of national interest. They have been included in UNICEF and FAO’s national training materials.  
Target audience
Argentina has two sets of guidelines, one for the population 2 years and older and another one for infants below the age of 2 years. The text on this page refers to the guidelines for people 2 years and older.
Food guide
Argentina’s food guide is a nutritional ellipse which illustrates seven food groups—cereals and legumes; vegetables and fruits; dairy products; meat, poultry, fish and eggs; oils and fats; sugary products and added sugars—and water.
  • Eat in moderation and include a variety of foods in all meals.
  • Consume milk, yogurt or cheese daily; they are needed by people of all ages.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables of all kinds and colours every day.
  • Eat a wide variety of red and white meat, removing visible fat.
  • Avoid frying foods and using cooking fats.
  • Decrease your consumption of sugar and salt.
  • Increase your consumption of a variety of breads, cereals, pasta, flour and pulses.
  • Reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages. Children, adolescents, and pregnant and nursing mothers should avoid it.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Enjoy meal times and the opportunity they present for sharing time with others.

Food-based dietary guidelines- United Kingdon

Official name
Eatwell Guide 
Publication year
The United Kingdom published its first set of dietary guidelines in 1994, and they have been regularly updated since then. The national food guide, then known as ‘The Balance of Good Health’, was launched in 1994. It was revised and named ‘The eatwell plate’ in 2007.
The most recent model, the Eatwell Guide, was published in March 2016.
Process and stakeholders
The revision of the eatwell plate to the Eatwell Guide in 2016 was led by Public Health England.
The Eatwell Guide has been accepted across government departments and by Food Standards Scotland, the Welsh Government and by the Food Standards Agency in Northern Ireland.
Intended audience
The Eatwell Guide is the key nutrition policy tool for health professionals and others working to improve dietary health. It is supported by the 8 tips for eating well. 
The guidelines are directed at the general population from the age of 2 years. Between the ages of 2 and 5 years, children should start moving towards the diet depicted in the Eatwell Guide.
Food guide
The UK’s national food guide, the Eatwell Guide, is a visual representation of how different foods contribute towards a varied and nutritious diet. It is based on 5 food groups and shows the proportion that each food group should contribute to a healthy balanced diet.
  1. Eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day.
  2. Base meals on potatoes, bread, rice, pasta or other starchy carbohydrates; choosing wholegrain versions where possible.
  3. Have some dairy or dairy alternatives (such as soya drinks); choosing lower fat and lower sugar options.
  4. Eat some beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other proteins (including 2 portions of fish every week, one of which should be oily).
  5. Choose unsaturated oils and spreads and eat in small amounts
  6. Drink 6-8 cups/glasses of fluid a day.
If consuming foods and drinks high in fat, salt or sugar, have these less often and in small amounts.

Food-based dietary guidelines - Poland

The Polish food guide. Reproduced with permission.
Official name
Principles of healthy eating (Polish: Zasady zdrowego żywienia).
Publication year
Poland published the second version of its dietary guidelines in 2010. The first version, for children and adolescents, was published in 2009.
Process and stakeholders
The principles of healthy eating were developed and endorsed by the National Food and Nutrition Institute in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.
Intended audience
Poland has two sets of guidelines, one for the general adult population and another set aimed at school-aged children and adolescents.
Food guide
Poland’s food guide is the ‘Pyramid of healthy nutrition’. The pyramid is divided into six levels representing six food groups. Cereals are found at the base; vegetables and tubers on the second level; fruits on the third level followed by milk and dairy products, meat, fish, eggs and beans. Oil is at the top of the pyramid. A beverage group (represented by water) and images of physical activity are placed outside of the pyramid.
Poland has also developed a pyramid for children and adolescents, almost identical to the one for the general population. The only difference is that there is an explicit recommendation to avoid table salt.
  • Take care to eat a variety of foods.
  • Beware of weight gain and obesity; don’t forget about physical activity every day.
  • Cereal products should be your principal source of calories.
  • Drink at least two large glasses of milk a day. Milk could be substituted by yoghurt, kefir and some cheese.
  • Eat meat in moderation.
  • Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits every day.
  • Limit intake of visible fats, particularly animal ones, and also other products rich in cholesterol and trans fatty acids.
  • Moderate your intake of sugar and sweets.
  • Limit salt intake.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Do not drink alcohol.

Food-based dietary guidelines - Japan

Japan's food guide. Reproduced with permission.
Official name

Dietary guidelines for Japanese (Japanese: 食生活指針)
Publication year
The `Dietary guidelines for Japanese´were launched in 2000. The `Japanese food guide spinning top´(Japanese: 食事バランスガイド) was published in 2005 and revised in 2010.  
Process and stakeholders
The guidelines were developed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries with the aim of promoting better dietary patterns.
The `Japanese food guide spinning top´ was created as a food and nutrition education tool to help people practice healthy eating. The revision of the `Japanese food guide spinning top´ coincided with the revision of the `Dietary reference intakes for Japanese´ (2010), on which the food guide is based.
Intended audience
The Japanese guidelines are directed at the healthy general public.
Food guide
The `Japanese food guide spinning top´is designed to resemble the well-known traditional Japanese toy. It is a rotating inverted cone divided from the top down into food group layers that depict foods primarily in cooked form /dishes. The order of the food groups is given by the recommended daily servings. At the top there are grain-based dishes (rice, bread, noodles and pasta), followed by vegetable-based dishes (including salads, cooked vegetables and soups), and fish, eggs and meat dishes. At the bottom are milk and fruit. A person running on top of the gyrating spinning top represents the importance of doing physical activity regularly to enjoy good health. The guide also recommends drinking plenty of water or tea, and to moderate consumption of highly processed snacks, confectionary and sugar-sweetened beverages.
The food guide is accompanied by a chart that indicates the recommended daily servings for each food group and illustrated with examples of foods and dishes to meet the recommendations.
  • Enjoy your meals.
  • Establish a healthy rhythm by keeping regular hours for meals.
  • Eat well-balanced meals with staple food, as well as main and side dishes.
  • Eat enough grains such as rice and other cereals.
  • Combine vegetables, fruits, milk products, beans and fish in your diet.
  • Avoid too much salt and fat.
  • Maintain a healthy body weight and balance the calories you eat with physical activity.
  • Take advantage of your dietary culture and local food products, while incorporating new and different dishes.
  • Reduce leftovers and waste through proper cooking and storage methods.
  • Track your daily food intake to monitor your diet.

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