Eating disorders, also known as food psychopathology, are emotional alterations that carry excessive preoccupation with weight and body shape. People who suffer from such a disorder give obsessive importance to food, around which all their thoughts, dreams, problems and their life in general revolve.

- Anorexia nervosa: consists of a significant loss of weight, below the minimum normal level, originated by the person himself, through an exhaustive control of food intake, associated with an intense fear of gaining weight and a serious distortion of his body image.

- Bulimia nervosa: characterized by recurrent episodes of uncontrolled binge eating. These episodes of voracious ingestion are often followed by the use of methods to control weight gain. These weight management methods often take the form of provoked vomiting, excessive exercise, food restrictions, and the use of laxatives and diuretics.

Resultado de imagen de eating disorders

- Vigorexia: is a mental disorder in which the person becomes obsessed by their physical state to pathological levels. These people have a distorted view of themselves and look weak and weak. For this reason, the disorder has a direct impact on their eating habits and lifestyle, and is characterized by extreme physical activity, abandoning social relationships and neglecting other aspects of their lives, to devote all their time to training.                    

- Ortorexia: consists in the obsessive search for the perfect diet and healthy foods. They leave aside food that they consider unhealthy, as well as those that contain additives, colorings, prepared foods, or with excess fat, sugar or salt. This attitude leads to great restrictions on food and social activities: people who are not going to eat at friends' houses, relatives or restaurants because they do not know the origin of these foods and how they have been made.   

-Trastorno por atracón: Es un trastorno en el cual la persona siente periódicos deseos de ingerir alimentos de forma descontrolada (en ocasiones, sobrepasando la ingesta de 6000 calorías diarias), pero, a diferencia de la bulimia, no busca contrarrestar el atracón con medidas compensatorias. 

Los signos para darse cuenta si alguien está sufriendo de un trastorno por atracón son:

  • Pérdida del control sobre la ingesta durante el atracón:sensación de que uno no puede parar de comer o controlar qué o cuánto está comiendo.
  • Consumo inusual de grandes cantidades de alimentos a la vez, mucho más que una persona promedio.
  • Consumo mucho más rápido durante el episodio de atracón que durante episodios habituales de alimentación.
  • Ingieren alimentos hasta sentirse físicamente incómodos (indigestión) y con náuseas, debido a la cantidad de alimentos consumido.
  • Come grandes cantidades de comida, incluso cuando no tiene hambre.
  • Se siente disgustado, deprimido o culpable después de comer en exceso.
  • Experimenta una rápida ganancia de peso, o incluso un inicio repentino de obesidad.
  • Sufre de depresión severa.
  • Se irrita con facilidad.
  • Por la depresión puede llevar a hasta suicidarse
  • Usualmente las personas con este trastorno utilizan el atracón como una forma de huir de sus emociones, para llenar un vacío interno o para evadir el estrés, la angustia y el dolor

- Permarexia: describes the phenomenon that affects people who, being obsessed with being overweight and with fear of gaining weight, are subjected to permanent diets (low calorie, since their main obsession are the calories that food provides) and Which could end up suffering from anorexia or bulimia in a more or less near future. For a large percentage of the population, especially among women, dieting is part of their routine, but there are cases in which the desire to lose weight becomes an obsession that can endanger life.                                                                                                              

- Potomania: this is a disorder consisting of a compulsion to drink large amounts of water regardless of whether or not you are thirsty.          

- Pica: manifested as an irresistible desire to eat or lick non-nutritive and unusual substances such as earth, chalk, plaster, paint chips, baking soda, starch, glue, mold, cigarette ash, insects, paper or any Something else that does not have, apparently, has no nutritional value.

Bulimia Test and Anorexia: It is a test of early detection of eating disorders, bulimia and anorexia nervosa; Allows you to detect indicators of signs and symptoms presented by people suffering from an eating disorder. Click here to take the test

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